Friday, December 26, 2014

Conventional wisdom used to dictate the regime there were some foods that should never eat in any case when you're trying to lose weight.

This list is to be familiar with almost everyone at a certain age - chocolate, ice cream, bread, cheese, pastries, potatoes, etc., in some respects, and intuitively, and some of these things to make a kind of sense, but the problem is that different systems were very different lists of forbidden foods .

For example, some diets fruit is a specialist about the benefits of eating bananas and low-carb diets will be pointed out as something that should never be eaten.

Then there were the low-fat diet, which banned most forms of fat, to the extent that it was found later pose a potential health hazard.

So what is the reality?

In modern weight loss programs, it is much more focus on the design of a diet based on the individual and the chemistry of their own body instead of building long lists of food banned completely. In practice, different people need different forms of diet to improve performance and weight loss. Simply distributing a list of what can and can not be eaten everyone on the same basis is an approach is unlikely to succeed.

Is, of course, is some disagreement on the details of this philosophy, but many experts now believe in a varied diet, but still managed a diet that can optionally include almost anything that provide all that is consumed is taken into account in the global food design.

Of course, weight loss programs will always focus on the benefits of a healthy balanced diet and eliminate or very significant reduction in the consumption of certain products. In general, this may be the case that given the strong advice completely or to eat to eliminate only occasionally and sparingly, and foods that contain what is sometimes called "empty calories" with little direct food interest.

These products are likely to include at least some of those old favorite classic from the past, such as:

• Sweets
• Soft drinks full of sugar
• cakes, sweets and biscuits
• Quick fried snack food type
• Fast food mass-produced
• Alcohol
• desserts other than those based on the use of fresh fruit, yogurt, etc.

No doubt it seems rather painful like all those old lists mentioned above, but it was significantly different in many respects.

In most modern diets, and last year the ban is absolute and on things like bread, potatoes, eggs, cheese and so on. This is because even if some of the products of this type can be a bit of a challenge for the body to effectively treat without gaining weight, they also bring with them health benefits in areas such as fiber and good cholesterol, etc.

Thus, it can also include some modern diets provide some banned foods traditionally but will emphasize the need for them because consumed in moderation and as part of the global system for good management.

It is interesting to note that this is a purely talk about "the system" and in the aspects of the weight loss equation. Many diets and focus today, but is not limited only to lose weight but also improve the overall health and vitality. As such, they can indicate that some foods are included or excluded depending on your overall health and not necessarily exclusively on the fastest way to lose weight.

Remember, it is always advisable to stay professional and medical advice system rather than just build your own things that you have decided to include or exclude from your daily diet list!

PS : some weight loss tools : 


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