Saturday, December 27, 2014

Best Tips to Healthy Dieting and Weight Loss

As the saying goes, "you are what you eat" to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight is very difficult, especially if you do not watch what you eat, if you eat more calories than you consume, you can get! Weight. If you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight.

More often than not, is more complicated than it should be, and an unhealthy lifestyle, extreme dieting efforts suppress our feelings are destroying our eating habits to lose weight before you start.

But there is a better way! You can lose weight without feeling miserable. You need to make informed decisions every day, you can develop new habits and preferences, will make you feel full and reduce your weight.

7 simple things you can do to help you lose weight.

1. exclude from your diet of junk food

Avoid or reduce the intake of sugar and starch, with foods rich in protein and healthy fats instead. Examples are fast food burgers and fries, donuts, pastries, pizza, etc.

2. Avoid alcohol

You should avoid soft drinks as much as possible. In addition, the risk of water or unsweetened iced tea flavor.

3. emphasizes fresh fruits and vegetables

The water content and high fiber content of most fruits and vegetables, it is difficult to overeating. You will feel full long before the excessive heat. For example, you eat vegetables, mixed vegetables with little or no heat in the room.

4. Drink lots of water

In general, drinking at least eight glasses of water a day, every day. Water a few minutes before eating glass makes you feel full faster and help you eat less quantity.

5. Determine your emotional eating, you can check the status of your health, you can lose weight easily:

• If you eat when you are stressed and find healthy ways to calm. Try exercise, yoga, meditation, or soak in the hot tub. Physical activity has been shown to be a better weight loss and stress management. You can create a training program is very useful when it comes to weight loss.

• If and when you feel a lack of energy to eat, try walking around the neighborhood, games, listen to music, or taking a nap.

• If you eat when you're bored or lonely, go to someone else, and not opening holodilnik.Luchshe just find someone who makes you feel good company. Or go out in public places (in the library and garden centers, or when there is a man).

6. Put your food

Eat small meals instead of three large meals. In general, we recommend that you have food and good food (morning and afternoon) between two or three snacks.

7. Operating

For many people, it can be a difficult step to take. Similar to at least start slowly over time to build your own pace. Depending on your preference, you may find it easier to go so that people can easily go to the gym. In any case, you follow, the most important thing to start and get your heart rate.

Weight loss is good for the health and welfare of the population. Get ideal weight, not only looks good, weight loss and reduce the joints of the body and increase your energy.

Follow these tips and you'll be amazed at what you can achieve. Make your trip safe and enjoyable time to lose weight.

PS : some weight loss tools : 


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