Monday, December 29, 2014

7 Fast Weight Loss Tips, that really works

You want fast weight loss tips that actually work, guys and girls, right? If you are sick of reading the same old magazine articles on how you could "lose ten pounds fast" to realize that it is to eat very little for as long as possible, and the second you start to eat again "normal" diet, you stack all that weight you lost back on and it's time to stop relying on flash diets and fasting diets that will probably do more harm than good.

It's time to look fast weight loss tips that actually work.

1. Take off your balances.

This is not to count the number of grains of rice you for dinner, is to know that having pasta with garlic bread PLUS PLUS PLUS wine chocolate cake is probably not a good idea all the time . There is nothing wrong with letting you have "bad foods" from time to time, but eating a lot of food on a daily basis is not good for your health or your waist line.

You know that when you have two chocolate bars instead of the one you should not be doing. Rather than tell you that you can not have sweets at all, just have a bar or a piece instead of two. You still get the reward and you do not have the guilt associated with twice the calories!

2. Have a secret hideout.

In your office, what food you have on hand? A packet of crisps? A large tube biscuits? Far too many chocolate bars?

Rather than having "bad" foods on hand, keep a healthy secret hideout. Replace one thing at a time, perhaps every two days, changing the candy for a bag of nuts or crisps for a small dried mixed fruit bag. You will be surprised by the number of calories that you cut back on switching the six biscuits (eight) for a handful of chocolate vanilla sunflower seeds. And yes, they are delicious. Oh, and easy to make at home too. If not, why not look cereal bars instead? These are generally low in calories, high in fiber, fill you ready for a long time, and give you the sweet joy you must curb those cravings.

3. Try protein shakes.

You do not want to start replacing all meals you with liquid forms, but with a chocolate flavored protein shake instead of a packed lunch from the local deli fat will reduce your calories, and increase the amount healthy energy to have you for the rest of the day. In addition, it gives you a relief that chocolate fix you're desperately wanted, and it will keep your blood sugar in the blood overregulated so you'll be less likely to binge eat later in the post noon.

4. Brush your teeth after dinner.

Once you have finished eating, dishes washed, suitably stuffed, go brush your teeth. Studies have shown that you are less likely to eat again before bedtime after brushing your teeth after dinner. It's almost as if you are tricking your brain!

5. Put this picture on the refrigerator.

You know that one we hear - a photo that makes you think your self fat throughout a bigger way and decide to finally make efforts in this diet you will start tomorrow. 'Every time you get up in the middle of the night, you will see the picture and remember why you have a couple of strawberries instead of the handle Malteasers you really want to eat.

6. reduce the amount you drink.

We are not talking about tea and coffee, we talk about empty calories - the three glasses of wine you have on a Thursday night with the girls, and this cocktail you had with dinner because everyone was having a. You will be surprised how many calories you cut from your diet when you cut out drinking quite so much. It will also reduce bloating that you feel around your belly.

7. Do not eat leftovers!

If you find yourself back to that time and time plate once you are actually finished with dinner, it's time to take action. When you are finished serving you and everyone dinner, place the remains in a tupperware tub (or suitable container) and cool immediately. You will be less likely to eat more when you do not see more when cooled, so it takes a lot more effort to save the heat and again and chances are, you decide that you really can not be bothered.

There are many quick weight loss tips that have been tested and proven. You do not need to resort to such drastic measures that not eating for a few days or survive on a diet of cabbage soup. With clever tricks and some minor changes to your lifestyle and diet, you will see the pounds start to fall. And you the results just can not argue with!

PS : some weight loss tools : 


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